Tatarstan teams won gold and silver in business competencies in the interregional stage of the professional skills championship "Professionals"

25 June 2024, Tuesday

The competition was held from the end of May to June 20 in Perm. Teams from Tatarstan took gold and silver in the competence of "Entrepreneurship", as well as silver in "Banking". The preparation of the national teams was carried out by a team of specialized specialists at the bases of the republican business support institutes with the assistance of Ministry of Economy of Tatarstan.

The main composition of the winners of the competence "Entrepreneurship" is Sofia Maksimova and Anastasia Yakovleva, students of the Kazan Trade and Economic College. Their business project "FlyHap" is dedicated to creating bouquets of artificial plants and butterflies. 

44 teams were declared in this nomination, the Kursk region took the second place, and the Sverdlovsk region took the third place.

The silver medalists of the nomination "Entrepreneurship Juniors" from 27 teams were Amira Zamaleeva, a student of the IT Lyceum of KFU and Igor Stepanov, a student of the Lyceum named after N. I. Lobachevsky" KFU. Schoolchildren from Tatarstan presented a business project in the field of entertainment "There is something to see" - video greetings in the technique of stop motion.

Specialists of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan were engaged in the preparation of the national team on the competence of "Entrepreneurship". For the development of projects, the participants of the national team were also provided with a range of services for the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises" in the Center "My Business". The teams participated in specialized exhibitions to expand their partner and client base, received advice on effective start-up and business management, and completed specialized training programs. 

Another silver medal in the treasury of Tatarstan in the competence of "Banking – Juniors" was won by a student of MBOU "Lyceum No. 9 named after A. S. Pushkin ZMR RT" in Zelenodolsk, Chulpan Minullina. The schoolgirl showed a high level of professionalism and skills in applying for a loan to a client and selling cross–products.

The student was prepared for the competition by specialists of the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan together with professional and highly qualified experts in banking. A team of specialists accompanied the participant daily in her training, organized thanks to the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", and a careful selection of credit institutions for internships was also carried out. After the internship, the experts analyzed the knowledge gained and gave professional advice for structuring thinking in the field of banking. 

It should be recalled that business support and the development of entrepreneurial skills in the Republic of Tatarstan are carried out by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the My Business Center within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship", which was initiated by the President of Russia.


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