Tatarstan business can lease prefabricated buildings

25 June 2024, Tuesday

The regional leasing Company of the Republic of Tatarstan has launched a new leasing product, within the framework of which residents and management companies of industrial parks accredited by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan have the opportunity to purchase industrial buildings located on the territory of the industrial park, including frameless prefabricated hangar-type buildings. The amount of financing for this leasing product is up to 20 million rubles, the lease term is up to 5 years.

According to Natalia Kondratova, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development, the new support measure is aimed at stimulating the development of production in industrial parks and was developed at the request of business within the framework of the approved Action Plan to improve the business climate in the Republic of Tatarstan.

In Tatarstan, the occupancy rate of industrial parks increased from 53% to 73.5%. They employ more than 1.6 thousand residents, who have created over 67.6 thousand jobs. Such indicators have become possible thanks to government support measures. The task for 2024 is to accelerate the launch of investment projects in industrial parks. For these purposes, within the framework of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises", measures to support residents of industrial parks have been expanded.

Entrepreneurs who are going to open production in an industrial park can receive support in the form of preferential leasing terms for machinery and equipment.

You can apply for leasing financing on the website of the Regional Leasing Company:

Let us recall that the support and development of business is provided by the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises". It was initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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