On the air of Business FM radio, entrepreneurs were told about the assessment of the regulatory impact

19 June 2024, Wednesday

Gulnaz Ismagilova, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, informed entrepreneurs on the air of the Business FM radio station about the possibility of influencing decisions made by the state by participating in public consultations conducted as part of the regulatory impact assessment.

"Most of the regulatory legal acts developed and adopted at the regional level affect the interests of various segments of society, and in the process of their development, many aspects related to the possible consequences of the application of a regulatory decision for a particular group of persons must be taken into account," Gulnaz Ismagilova noted.

She recalled that to solve this problem, there is such a mechanism as a regulatory impact assessment, which allows to eliminate administrative barriers to business, increase the effectiveness of regulatory acts and thereby improve the investment attractiveness of the region.

"Public consultations are an integral part of the regulatory impact assessment procedure. Public consultations are held in order to identify the positions of interested parties and involve receiving feedback from representatives of the business community," the Deputy Minister of Economy stressed.

She told entrepreneurs about the opportunity to leave their feedback on the draft republican regulatory legal act in a section specially created on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In conclusion, the speaker called on entrepreneurs to take an active part in public consultations on draft regulatory legal acts.

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