Gulnaz Ismagilova: the priority task of the control bodies remains the prevention and warning of business about possible violations

19 June 2024, Wednesday

The Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan spoke on the Business-FM radio station about the tools and work carried out in the region to reduce administrative pressure on business. 

"The issue of creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs and reducing administrative barriers to business remains one of the key tasks for all levels of government in the republic. Today, the priority is to prevent violations, not to punish them. For these purposes, cooperation has been established with the business community and control authorities," the speaker said. 

The Deputy Minister also said that due to the introduction of new prevention tools into the activities of control bodies, a risk-based approach, the mechanism "prevention as the first punishment" and the comprehensive work of the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights under the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Prosecutor's Office and control bodies, entrepreneurial activity is growing in the Republic.

Gulnaz Ismagilova noted the importance of indicators of administrative pressure in the National rating of investment attractiveness, in which the republic occupies the leading 2nd place, in creating attractive conditions for investment and choosing the republic as the place of implementation of business projects. 

"We need to not only maintain the achieved positions, but also work on further improving the assessment of indicators of the national rating by Tatarstan entrepreneurs," the Deputy Minister of Economy said.

She recalled that starting in 2020, the Russian Government has imposed a moratorium on business inspections. Thanks to this, companies will be able to focus on their main tasks, ensure uninterrupted, stable operation without excessive pressure from the inspection authorities. Taking into account the introduction of the moratorium, the total number of inspections in 2023 decreased by more than 4 times in the republic compared to 2019.

The Deputy Minister said that the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the control authorities, does not preclude the reduction of any administrative barriers and the creation of the most favorable conditions for Tatarstan enterprises. For these purposes, cooperation has been built with all control bodies, the reasons for the growth of individual audit indicators are being analyzed, and proposals are being developed to reduce administrative pressure.

"After the cancellation of scheduled inspections, preventive visits have become a key tool for the safe functioning of the business. The format of the preventive visit allows one to achieve compliance with legal requirements without excessive administrative pressure in the mode of interaction with entrepreneurs. The main purpose of the visit is to convey all the requirements imposed on the entrepreneur's activities and information about possible violations," Gulnaz Ismagilova shared. "It is important that, according to the results of a preventive visit, punishment cannot be applied and an order issued. Explanations, as well as the conduct of the visits themselves, are of a recommendatory nature for entrepreneurs."

She urged businesses to use this tool efficiently and not to refuse to receive advisory and methodological assistance from the control bodies. She also informed that enterprises and organizations in respect of which a scheduled inspection is planned may apply to the control body with a request to replace the inspection with a professional visit.

The speaker reminded that on The portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation there is the opportunity not only to apply for a preventive visit and consultation, but also to leave feedback on the results of the preventive event. This will allow one to identify possible violations committed by the supervisory authorities during the visit and assess the satisfaction of the business with its quality.

In Tatarstan, the Internet resource "Verified Business" acts as a tool for promptly informing businesses about the current requirements of legislation in the field of control and supervisory activities. The project was launched in 2018 on the initiative of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic together with the Prosecutor's Office.

The popularity of the resource is constantly growing. To date, the total number of visitors to the resource has exceeded 10,000 people. 

"The functionality of the Internet resource is to increase the legal literacy of entrepreneurs, prevent violations of mandatory requirements, as well as build a dialogue between business and control authorities. The resource is a free digital platform of useful knowledge and services in the field of CND," Gulnaz Ismagilova noted.

The speaker said that digitalization of control (supervisory) activities is one of the priorities. Now inspectors are actively using a tool for remote interaction with controlled persons – the mobile application "Inspector". The application allows one to carry out inspections, preventive measures in the format of video conferencing remotely, receive notification of a planned event at the EPSU and remotely fill out test sheets.

The use of a mobile application in the work allows you to significantly reduce the costs of control bodies for field events and will provide an opportunity to promptly bring the necessary information to the controlled persons.

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