Tatarstan has become a leader in the number of applications submitted for the Student Startup competition

14 June 2024, Friday

The fifth stage of the Student Startup competition within the framework of the federal project "University Technology Entrepreneurship Platform" has ended. Tatarstan became the leader in the number of applications submitted – students of the republic sent almost 1.5 thousand applications.

In just four queues for participation in the competition, more than 10 thousand applications were submitted throughout the country, among which about 3 thousand applications from Tatarstan or 29% of the total number of applications in Russia. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Dinar Shakirov during a live broadcast on the telegram channel of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.  

The Student Startup competition was launched by the Innovation Promotion Foundation in 2022. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate youth technological entrepreneurship.

The competition selects projects in the following thematic areas:
– Digital technologies;
– Medicine and health–saving technologies;
– New materials and chemical technologies;
– New devices and intelligent production technologies;
– Biotechnologies;– Resource
-saving energy;
- Creative industries.

The online protection of student projects is currently ongoing. Projects are evaluated according to three criteria: technology, prospects for commercialization of a startup project and the applicant's qualifications.

The winners receive 1 million rubles from the Innovation Promotion Fund for the implementation of the project. At the moment, 442 students in Tatarstan are the winners of the Student Startup competition (1-4 queues).

Within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship" for the winners of the Student Startup competition, the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, provides consulting services, finances the preparation of business plans, participation in exhibition and fair events and provides other support measures.

In addition, the winner of the competition, having registered a legal entity, can apply to the Center for Cluster Development and Project Management of the Republic of Tatarstan for help in implementing the project.

As part of the Center's support program, an audit is conducted, development plans are determined and an individual development map of the company is drawn up, including measures for consulting, marketing, financial, property and other government support necessary for the implementation of the project.

Head of the Innovation Promotion Department of the My Business CenterMikhail Untura spoke about successful examples of the implementation of projects supported as part of participation in the Student Startup competition. Among the projects: the development of thermal insulation technologies used in industrial enterprises; software for analyzing drug data; the development of "smart" insoles for sports; the development of polymethylsiloxane as a multifunctional soil sorbent.

There is a recording of the live broadcast on the social networks of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Telegram channel:


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