81 billion rubles was the revenue of entrepreneurs in the Management System for the promotion of products from local suppliers

31 May 2024, Friday

Entrepreneurs using the resources of the Republican Marketing Center (RMC) earned 81 billion rubles in 5 months of 2024, which is 20 billion rubles more than in the same period last year. 

The number of sellers remained at the level of last year and amounted to 2.8 thousand. 

The RMC allows businesses, based on the analysis of cooperative relations between commodity producers, to participate in supplies for large enterprises, including import-substituting products. For this purpose, an Import Substitution Center has been created on the basis of the RMC, which allows enterprises of the republic to replace products previously purchased from countries with which trade relations have been terminated. In total, the catalog includes more than 282 thousand nomenclatures of import-substituting products. 

Work on filling catalogs of import-substituting products, as well as attracting entrepreneurs to the resources of the RMC continues.

For the further development of the RMC, this year it is planned to increase orders due to the proposals of resource-supplying organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as to continue free training in sales skills in the RMC for new representatives of SMEs of the republic.

Let us recall that the RMC as a "Product promotion management system for products manufactured in the Republic of Tatarstan" was created on behalf of the Head Rustam Minnikhanov in order to attract the largest number of suppliers from the republic to electronic procurement. The electronic trading platforms of the region are managed by the Agency for State Procurement of the Republic of Tatarstan (AGZRT).

The purchasing module of the RMC is formed on the basis of the Russian electronic commerce system, a common domain Zakazrf.ru . It united federal platforms for budget purchases under FZ-44, commercial auctions under FZ-223, a platform for the sale of property and rights, and an "Exchange platform" bp.Zakazrf.ru .

If we talk about purchases within the framework of 223-FZ, this year customer organizations placed over 8.6 thousand purchases on the RMC site in a competitive way for business entities on the RMC site, which is more than twice the number of published purchases for the same period in 2023 - 3.7 thousand purchases.

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