Saria Sirazieva spoke about state support programs for small and medium-sized businesses under the national project

28 May 2024, Tuesday

On May 27, a seminar-meeting on increasing the business activity of villagers and small businesses was held in Bavly, chaired by Farid Mukhametshin, Chairman of The State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Saria Sirazieva made a report on the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the south-eastern zone of the republic. As part of the report, she said that the Operational Headquarters, together with enterprises, business associations, sectoral ministries and municipalities, is actively working on the main areas of implementation of sustainable economic development. One of the key areas is the qualitative growth of small and medium–sized businesses.

Saria Salikhovna spoke about what kind of assistance entrepreneurs can receive from the state.

Within the framework of federal support, agricultural producers can receive a preferential loan under the 1764 loan program. Loans from the joint program of the Ministry of Economic Development and the SME Corporation "1420" are also available for agricultural enterprises. Preferential loans are available to high-tech companies. In addition, the republic implements an umbrella mechanism of guarantees of JSC SME Corporation, an industrial mortgage program, credit holidays and restructuring according to internal programs of credit institutions.

In addition to federal support measures, republican support for small and medium-sized businesses is also being implemented in Tatarstan. Among them:

- Preferential microloans for the construction and development of production;

- Guarantees of the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan;

-Preferential equipment leasing and leasing program for the construction of industrial buildings, including prefabricated hangar-type buildings located on the territory of our industrial parks;

- Subsidy and grant support programs.

Non-financial support measures are also available to entrepreneurs of the republic. They can be obtained from the My Business Center and the Export Support Center.

All support measures are implemented by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan with the assistance of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises".

Read more about what is being done for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tatarstan thanks to the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises" in the video:

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