100 entrepreneurs of Tatarstan took part in the Day of the Supplier of the Magnit retail chain

22 May 2024, Wednesday

On May 22, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted the Day of the supplier of the Magnit retail chain. The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and is aimed at increasing the share of local goods in retail sales and the development of SMEs of the Republic.

Representatives of the Magnit network spoke about development plans, voiced requirements for their suppliers and considered proposals from participating enterprises to act as potential suppliers, including at B2B meetings. Also, an exhibition of manufacturers of food and non-food products with the possibility of tasting was held within the framework of the event.

The event was attended by more than 100 republican manufacturers of non-food products and foodstuffs interested in supplying their products to the Magnit retail chain. The Magnit retail chain consists of more than 960 stores in the region, over 29 thousand outlets throughout the country.

Let us recall that Supplier's Day is a quarterly meeting of large businesses with small producers of the republic. Earlier, the meetings covered construction, machine-building, petrochemical companies, as well as residents of industrial parks of the republic. 1000 Tatarstan entrepreneurs became their participants.

Business support in the Republic of Tatarstan is implemented under the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", which was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

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