The first fair week of self-employed products in Tatarstan has ended

21 March 2024, Thursday

The My Business Center organized a spring fair of self-employed products in a large shopping center in Kazan. There are three more fair weeks ahead. 

Last week, 16 self-employed people presented their products at the Mega shopping center at free retail outlets provided by the My Business Center of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". They shared their impressions of participating in the fair.

"Thanks to the organizers. I was pleased to meet talented self-employed craftsmen. The atmosphere is comfortable and friendly. There are a lot of guests and buyers. Hold such events more often," Tatyana Pavlovna, the self-employed woman shared.

"In general, I like working at Mega. Good location, convenient workplaces, a large flow of people," said another participant of the fair, Lilia Valiulova.

Guests of the fair can purchase various toys and board games for children, decorations and interior products made of wood, leather, porcelain, as well as home decor items. 

The fairs at the Mega shopping center are held weekly and will last until April 7. 

To participate in the fair, you must submit an application on the SME.RF Digital platform. 

Support for the self-employed in the Republic of Tatarstan is implemented by the My Business Center of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship", which was initiated by the President of Russia.

You can get advice on participation in fairs and other support by calling the My Business Center hotline: +7(843)524-90-90.

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