The selection of participants of the Presidential Program for the training of managerial personnel continues in Tatarstan

29 February 2024, Thursday

Acceptance of documents for participation in the competitive selection for training within the framework of the implementation of the State Plan for the training of managerial personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation (Presidential Program) in the Republic of Tatarstan is conducted until March 15, 2024. For more than 20 years of the program's implementation, 2,650 managers (including 140 people from the healthcare sector) have been trained in the republic, and more than 300 people have completed internships abroad.

 In the Republic of Tatarstan, the Presidential Management Training Program has fully established itself since 1998 as an effective experimental platform for the development and testing of promising projects designed to have a direct impact on improving the economic and financial condition of enterprises, ensuring employment in the region, and stabilizing the social situation.

The Program organizes:

         - training of highly qualified management personnel for enterprises;

         - familiarization of Tatarstan managers with the foreign practice of organizing the management of enterprises in the real sector of the economy;

         - assistance to the reform of enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan;

         - formation of a reserve of managerial personnel for the economy of the republic.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, recruitment for training in the 2024/2025 academic year according to the Presidential Program has been announced.

The management training program provides for:

  • The course of professional retraining in the specialty "Management" at the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University";
  • Professional retraining course in the specialty "Management in Healthcare" at the Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • An internship at a foreign or Russian company corresponding to the professional and industry profile of the specialist.
  • Improvement of foreign language skills.

Information on the announcement of a competitive recruitment of candidates for training within the framework of the implementation of the State Plan for the Training of Managerial Personnel (Presidential Program) is available at the link:

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