At the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, under the leadership of the First Deputy Minister of Economy of the region Rustem Sibgatullin, a meeting was held with representatives of 12 business and public organizations to develop joint solutions to support business under sanctions.
The discussion was attended by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, Delovaya Rossiya, OPORA RUSSIA, Associations of Enterprises, hoteliers and restaurateurs, farmers, self-employed representatives of business support institutions, etc.
At the meeting, Rustem Sibgatullin stressed that the current situation requires quick and serious decisions aimed primarily at the development of entrepreneurial initiative, the ability to fully unlock the potential of Russian enterprises, which is now critically needed.
“Currently, it is necessary to ensure the stabilization of markets and determine the equilibrium points of the economy, as well as to maintain the availability of support tools for entrepreneurs. We are faced with the task of building a new economic policy aimed at import substitution, the formation of new production chains, and the search for logistics routes,” he said.
Operational headquarters have been set up at the federal and regional levels to solve the assigned tasks. On a weekly basis, the Government of Russia holds meetings with business and representatives of the authorities of the country's constituent entities. This format of interaction will make it possible to bring the position and proposals of the regions to the attention of the federal center. In particular, the feedback that was received during the meeting.
The participants were informed about the first package of the operational plan of priority actions to ensure the development of the Russian economy in the face of external sanctions pressure, legislative initiatives adopted and planned for implementation, measures that the federal center is promptly developing to support business and the population, as well as those programs that operate to support entrepreneurs in Tatarstan.
Rustem Sibgatullin asked the participants to provide feedback, as well as identify problematic issues in the area they supervise and proposals for additional measures to support business, which will be further sent to the Russian Government.
It was noted that at present the Government of Russia is forming the second block of measures, which requires the adoption of quick decisions and promptness in the preparation of proposals. In the Republic of Tatarstan, support measures can also be adjusted taking into account the current situation.
The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan noted that a hotline operates for consultation and making proposals, where any entrepreneur can get information on problematic issues of interest to him, as well as leave an appeal or feedback - 8 (843) 524-90-90.