The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan is developing a new concept for the development of industrial parks

3 February 2021, Wednesday

A new concept for the development of infrastructure support facilities for business was the main topic of the round table held at the Entrepreneur's House.

The round table with the participation of representatives of the municipal districts of Tatarstan and the Co-Chairman of the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia was held under the leadership of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, Midkhat Shagiakhmetov.

Tatarstan is one of the leaders in the country in terms of the number of effectively operating industrial infrastructure facilities and assistance in their development. Today, almost every municipality operates infrastructure facilities for property support of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship – industrial parks and playgrounds. The total number of infrastructure facilities has reached 100, 1,515 residents are located on their areas, they have created 32 thousand jobs.

As Midhat Shagiakhmetov noted, the main task facing the Ministry in the framework of infrastructure support for business is to improve the efficiency of industrial parks, in particular, special attention should be paid to objects with state funding.

Thus, despite the pandemic, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted large-scale work over the past year to analyze and identify problematic issues of residents, management companies of existing parks and sites and develop effective solutions to eliminate them.

The following management decisions aimed at improving the performance of infrastructure support facilities were formed and submitted for consideration by the participants of the round table:

- creating comfortable conditions for the start and conduct of business for residents of industrial parks and sites;

- removal of infrastructure restrictions;

- introduction of a mechanism for compensating part of the electricity costs;

- preferential taxation for residents;

- targeted financial and non-financial support.

"The measures developed will contribute to the development of the small and medium-sized business sector and the occupancy rate of industrial parks. The infrastructure support business projects, even in the most remote areas of the Republic of Tatarstan, are to become the centres of economic growth for SMEs and the municipality itself, contributing to the development and modernization of jobs, development of rural alternative types of employment of small business, social and engineering infrastructure," - said the Minister of economy of Tatarstan.

It is worth noting that the concept is currently approved by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, R. Minnikhanov. The participants of the round table discussed the concept in more detail. The expert decisions developed within the framework of the event will be taken into account when initiating legislative acts

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