January 2024

This is an absolute record among Russian regions. A total of 7,600 applications were received for participation in the competition.

January 2024

The Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, subordinated to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises" has developed a preferential guarantee product "Support - 2024" with a minimum remuneration rate of 0.5%.

In 2018, President Vladimir Putin decided that national projects should become an effective tool for achieving the national development goals of the Russian Federation (preservation of the population, health and well-being of people; opportunities for self-realization and talent development; a comfortable and safe living environment; decent, effective work and successful entrepreneurship; digital transformation) which are primarily aimed at improving living standards and creating comfortable conditions for the population and the country as a whole.

January 2024

In the new year, customers were allowed to change the essential terms of contracts due to force majeure and not require collateral. The government's right to establish additional cases of non-competitive procurement was retained, but similar powers of the regions were limited. 

January 2024

The necessary engineering and transport infrastructure will be built for the Mendeleevsk 2.0 Industrial Park in the Republic of Tatarstan, to which at least 5 production facilities will be connected. For these purposes, the WEB.RF will allocate more than 440 million rubles, and the total cost of the infrastructure facility will be over 870 million rubles.

Residents of Tatarstan can declare their initiatives throughout the country and receive support at the All-Russian level – applications for the idea contest within the framework of the forum "Strong Ideas for a new Time" are open until January 31. An idea can be submitted on the idea platform.roscongress.rf. Experts will select the top 1000 and top 100 ideas, and the best proposals will be presented to the country's leadership in March. The forum is organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Roscongress Foundation.

January 2024

The My Business Center, with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, is launching a series of free master classes "School of marketing experts". The speakers of the course will give a set of techniques that help attract and retain customers and make a profit.

January 2024

Thanks to the guaranteed republican support implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises", Tatarstan business was able to attract debt financing for a record amount of 15.9 billion rubles.

Applications for participation in the Know Our New Russian Brands competition, organized on behalf of Vladimir Putin by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Roscongress Foundation, have been extended until January 15. 

January 2024

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov took part in the volunteer New Year's "Wish Tree" campaign.

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