The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation developed the new bill of federal, regional and municipal control in the Russian Federation

24 April 2015, Friday
The draft of the federal law "About federal, regional and municipal control in the Russian Federation", developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation came to the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Tatarstan for consideration.

The new bill of control and supervising activity enters risk - the focused approach in the organization of control (supervision) in the Russian Federation that will allow to lower or exclude sharply carrying out checks concerning most of the legal entities or objects which aren't bearing serious public risks to optimize system of the state control (supervision), and also to strengthen protection of the rights of business when carrying out control actions.

We invite representatives of business associations, experts of higher educational institutions, experts in this sphere to study the presented regulatory legal act on the site of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Remarks and offers on structure and contents of the bill we ask to send to department of improvement of public administration of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Tatarstan on an e-mail address: Gulnaz
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