Tatarstan entered the top 3 regions in terms of purchases from small and medium-sized businesses.
In 2024, the volume of purchases by the largest customers from small and medium-sized businesses increased by more than 20% and for the first time exceeded 9.6 trillion rubles. This is a record figure since the introduction of the mandatory 25% quota for purchases from SMEs, which is monitored by the SME Corporation and authorized regional authorities. The growth was due to a significant increase in purchases in the manufacturing sector, increased supplies of high-tech products and the development of domestic IT solutions.
Among the regions, the highest volume of purchases from SMEs was recorded in Moscow (3.1 trillion rubles), St. Petersburg (801.4 billion rubles) and the Republic of Tatarstan (552.6 billion rubles).
Tatarstan also took the second place among the country's regions in terms of the increase in the volume of contracts, compared to 2023 +360.9 billion rubles. Moscow ranks first (+1 trillion rubles) and St. Petersburg closes the top three (+119.5 billion rubles).
It should be noted that the creation of equal conditions in the procurement of state and corporate needs, the sale of state and municipal property at auction is laid down in the initiatives of the national project "Efficient and Competitive Economy" and the federal SME project.
"Ensuring the participation of small and medium–sized businesses in the procurement of state-owned companies is an important measure for the development of entrepreneurial initiative within the framework of the new federal project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative." There is a steady trend towards increasing the share of high-tech products in the total volume of purchases from SMEs. In 2024, small and medium-sized businesses supplied large government customers with innovative products worth about 905 billion rubles. Thus, the contribution of SMEs to the development of priority sectors for the formation of a supply-side economy is growing," commented Alexander Novak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, almost three quarters of purchases (more than 73% of the total volume) from SMEs were made up of industrial products. The amount of supplies of small and medium-sized businesses to state-owned manufacturing companies increased by more than a third compared to 2023 (to 3.3 trillion rubles).
It should be recalled that small and medium-sized businesses can become a participant in the Cultivation program initiated by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the SME Corporation and conclude a long-term offset agreement with one of the state-owned companies. To date, 16 such agreements have already been concluded for a total amount of more than 6.6 billion rubles. In 2025, nine more state-owned companies plan to approve their supplier cultivation programs.