Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov and employees of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in a meeting of the Commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation on the direction of "Effective and competitive economy" via video conference.
During the meeting of the commission, key issues related to business support and improvement of its activities were discussed:
- Current measures to reduce the administrative burden on business.
- The practice of applying certain provisions of the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO) of the Russian Federation governing the rules for the appointment and execution of penalties for business entities.
- Interaction between the state and business through the prism of reducing the administrative burden.
- Systematization of non-tax payments.
- Reducing the burden on businesses associated with product traceability systems.
- Approaches to calculating the target indicator "Ensuring real income growth per employee of an SME by 1.2 times".
The meeting became an important platform for exchanging views and developing effective solutions aimed at creating a favorable environment for business development in the Republic of Tatarstan.