Almost 200 companies have the status of a "social enterprise" in Tatarstan

31 August 2024, Saturday

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the recognition of small and medium-sized enterprises as social enterprises. The commission reviewed documents from 6 entrepreneurs, in total 191 companies have the status of a "social enterprise" in Tatarstan.

The status of a "social enterprise" can be obtained by entrepreneurs who employ mainly citizens from socially vulnerable categories, or such entrepreneurs sell goods (works, services) produced by these citizens, or sell goods (works, services) for such citizens, as well as those engaged in socially useful activities, primarily providing rest, recreation and the development of children engaged in cultural and educational activities and others. In addition, from 2023, an individual entrepreneur who is disabled and carries out activities without involving employees can become a social enterprise.

The status of a "social enterprise" gives access to a set of support measures implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises":  preferential financing, specialized educational programs, property support, including rental of state and municipal property on preferential terms.

You can apply for the status of a "social enterprise" before the end of the year. You can get acquainted with the terms on the digital platform of SME.RF.

For questions about the assignment of the status of a "Social enterprise", you can contact the My Business Center by phone +7 (843) 222-90-60

Let us recall that support for social enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan is being implemented by the Ministry of Economy of the region within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", which was initiated by the President of Russia.


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