The volume of state microfinance support for business in Tatarstan has exceeded 9.2 billion rubles in 10 years

15 July 2024, Monday

This amount was indicated by specialists of the State Institute for Business Support - the "Entrepreneurship Support Fund" (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), which turned 10 years old today. 

During its activity, the support Institute has issued almost 5 thousand microloans worth more than 9.2 billion rubles, including within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". The Tatarstan Fund is one of the three most effective similar state funds in the country in terms of capital and issuance volume.

The republic's leadership, together with the Ministry of Economy and the Fund's specialists, are working to improve the mechanism for providing services and business support measures based on the principles of client-centricity. Thus, the deadline for consideration of applications for concessional financing has been reduced from 180 days in 2018 to 3-5 days in 2024, which allows the business of the republic to promptly and timely raise funds for the development of projects. As part of this work, in 2019 Tatarstan was the first and only region of the country where an online service was implemented to receive financial support. 

In 2024, the Fund began to support entrepreneurs within the framework of a pilot project on partner (Islamic) financing. The Fund's portfolio includes two products "Murabaha" and "Ijara", developed jointly with the Russian Islamic Institute and approved by the Council of Ulama of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

In 2019, the Support Institute begins participating in the events of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". The My Business Center appears in the structure of the Fund, created to implement the goals and objectives of the national project for the integrated development of republican business. During its work, the Center, within the framework of the national SME project, provided state support to almost 82 thousand business entities, 13.5 thousand self-employed citizens and 43 thousand individuals interested in starting a business. 

One of the Fund's tasks is to accelerate entrepreneurs and their qualitative growth, including by entering foreign markets. The Fund accompanies and supports Tatarstan business from the idea of expanding the geography of sales to conducting an export transaction. 

To improve development tools and programs, the specialists of the Development Institute have built a dialogue with the business community of the region, including through survey campaigns. Thus, according to respondents, thanks to government support, 80% of them have an increase in the flow of customers already in the first month after receiving the service, the recipients' products become more recognizable, and sales markets expand. 63% of recipients report revenue growth, 62% - sales growth. 

Today, all support programs and services are available online on the SME.RF Digital Platform and are implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises". 

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