Applications for participation in the Successful Patent competition are still being accepted

12 July 2024, Friday

Residents of Tatarstan can take part in the All-Russian competition "Successful Patent", established by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), which is designed to identify the most successful inventions that have received an economic effect at the end of the year (for 2023).

Russian inventors, patent holders for inventions (legal entities and individuals) can take part in the competition – these are research institutes, universities, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, large enterprises, entrepreneurs and the self-employed.

The main objectives of the competition are to identify the positive experience of domestic developers in the implementation of patented technologies in various industries and to popularize Russian scientific and technical results, their developers, and inventive activities.

You can apply by August 10, 2024 by filling out the form on the websiteRospatent. 

According to the results of the competitive selection of applications, 10 winners will be determined. Laureates and finalists are awarded with diplomas and badges. The winner of the diploma of the laureate of the competition is awarded a commemorative badge and a certificate for studying at FIIP in advanced training programs.

Information about the winners of the Competition is posted on the official resources of Rospatent, as well as presented at official events of Rospatent.

The terms of the competition and detailed information are published on the websiteRospatent.

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