The Ministry of Economy notifies of the examination of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan

9 July 2024, Tuesday

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, starting from July 17, 2024, will conduct an examination of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 03.03.2015 No. 130 "On approval of the Quality Standard of public services for the organization of recreation for children and youth".

The purpose of the examination is to assess the achievement of the regulatory objectives stated during the development and adoption, the effectiveness of the proposed method of legal regulation, and the assessment of the actual positive and negative consequences of the proposed method of legal regulation through the analysis of law enforcement practice.

We invite representatives of business associations and other interested parties to participate in public consultations within the framework of the examination of the specified regulatory legal act. The deadline for public consultations is from July 17 to August 16, 2024.

If there are provisions in it that introduce excessive administrative and other restrictions and obligations for business entities and other activities or contribute to their introduction, as well as provisions that contribute to the occurrence of unjustified expenses of business entities and other activities and budgets of all levels of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, please send your comments and suggestions to the regulatory impact Assessment department and Competition Development of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan by e-mail: .

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