Roman Amirkhanov spoke on the talk show "Fulcrum" on TNV on the topic "KazanForum-2024. Tatarstan: the international agenda"

2 May 2024, Thursday

Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Amirkhanov took part in the "Fulcrum" program at TNV, the theme of the program was "KAZANFORUM- 2024". Tatarstan: the international agenda".

Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Amirkhanov took part in the "Fulcrum" program at TNV, the theme of the program: "KAZANFORUM- 2024. Tatarstan: the international agenda". In his speech, Roman Amirkhanov said that one of the directions of the Kazanforum will be partner (Islamic) financing. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law allowing the establishment of an experimental legal regime for partner financing in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechnya and Dagestan. The number of transactions using Islamic banking instruments in Tatarstan has already increased significantly.

A number of panel sessions on partner financing are planned within the framework of Kazanforum. You can watch the program live on May 2 at 5.30 pm or follow the link:

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