Tatarstan has retained the second line of the investment attractiveness rating

7 June 2024, Friday

On June 7, within the framework of SPIEF’24, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives announced the results of the National Rating of the investment Climate of the subjects of Russia by the end of 2023. Tatarstan is traditionally in the lead - the republic has retained the second place immediately after Moscow.

"Tatarstan's leadership position is confirmed by the annual growth in the volume of investments in fixed assets. By the end of 2023, the volume of investments in fixed assets amounted to 1 trillion 180 billion rubles. The growth rate of investments is provided at the level of 122%. In order to attract new investment projects and scale existing ones, the republic is continuously working to identify reserves and growth points in increasing business satisfaction with the services provided and the range of support measures, their quality, accessibility and speed of receipt," commented Deputy Prime Minister of the Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midhat Shagiakhmetov.

The key competitive advantage of Tatarstan in the fight for investments is the speed of implementation of the proposed solutions necessary for the successful launch of the investment project. This concerns infrastructure and resource provision, the speed of passing all administrative procedures. Thus, in order to reduce the technological connection to the networks of engineering infrastructure, a "Unified Cabinet of approvals" is being introduced during the design and construction of networks. The introduction of a "Single Approval Cabinet" will allow for further optimization of procedures and reduction of network connection times through the creation of a seamless client path.

Also, in order to reduce the launch time of investment projects, together with regional executive authorities, departments and resource-supplying organizations, through the introduction of lean manufacturing principles, it was possible to identify reserves in terms of the passage of key services for the investor. Optimizing the timing of procedures is one of the priorities in the work on the development of the regional investment standard. In the Republic of Tatarstan, work has been carried out to improve the efficiency of 5 elements of regional and municipal investment standards. The Federal expert Group under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation confirmed the implementation of all its elements in 2023.

Highly developed regional infrastructure helps to stimulate private investment. Tatarstan is the leader in the rating of investment attractiveness of industrial parks and SEZs. The republic has the largest number of the best industrial parks - four lines in the top 10 facilities are occupied by industrial facilities of Tatarstan. The first place in the rating was taken by the Kama industrial Park "Master", the second place was taken by the Technopolis "Khimgrad". The Innopolis Special Economic Zone took the seventh place, and the Alabuga special economic zone of industrial production type took the tenth place. In general, Tatarstan took eight places in the top 60 ranking. The list also includes projects: Saba (20th place), M-7 (23rd place), Vyatka (49th place) and Kamskie Polyany (57th place).

It should be noted that the Republic of Tatarstan has been among the three leaders of the Rating for 9 years. Its methodology makes it possible to evaluate various areas of management initiatives by 70 indicators: the development of institutions and infrastructure to support business at any of its stages, the correctness and completeness of information for investors, the level and speed of digitalization in the provision of public services, improvement of the regulatory environment, as well as the availability and effectiveness of business support.

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