Tatarstan shared its experience in intellectual property management

21 May 2024, Tuesday

The Ministry of Economy took part in a conference call on the implementation of recommendations on the management of intellectual property rights and means of individualization in the regions of the Russian Federation in the practical activities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Director of the Center for Scientific and Technical Information Arsen Savva made a report on the experience of Tatarstan at the meeting.

During his speech, Arsen Savva spoke about how the intellectual property market in the Republic of Tatarstan has developed, what is the patent situation in the republic at the present time, described the infrastructure.

The republic is systematically working on the development of the intellectual property market and the formation of state policy in the field of intellectual property management.

The Republic of Tatarstan occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of applications for inventions: since 2014, it has been in fourth place. Tatarstan is one of the leaders in the ratings of regions in terms of the number of applications submitted for an invention and the value of the coefficient of inventive activity according to the data of 2023.

In addition, the republic has established the largest regional network of Technology and Innovation Support Centers in the Russian Federation, 20 of which operate on the basis of large industrial enterprises, scientific organizations and universities.

To support the activities of the intellectual property management infrastructure and in order to assist inventors and innovators, as well as large and small businesses in creating and launching innovative solutions, the Automated Information and Analytical system "Intellectual Potential of the Republic of Tatarstan Data Bank - AIAS TATPATENT" was put into operation. In 2023, 15,000 users used this resource.

Also, Arsen Savva noted that an important component of the intellectual property management system is the Unified State System for Accounting for R&D Results of the Republic of Tatarstan, created in 2010. The regional system makes it possible to increase the efficiency of using budget funds, eliminates the possibility of duplication of R&D financing, allows you to identify protectable objects of intellectual activity, determine the results achieved, including issues of their implementation and use.

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