Within the framework of the RVF, representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in the round table "Inventive Initiative"

26 April 2024, Friday

Within the framework of the Russian Venture Forum, held on April 25, 2024, a round table on the topic "Inventive initiative. The inventor is the engine of technological development in Russia", moderated and organized by the regional organization of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The event brought together leading experts and representatives of the scientific community, business and government of the Republic of Tatarstan to discuss the role of inventors and technology startups in achieving Russia's scientific and technological superiority in the modern world as soon as possible.

The speaker of the round table was Arsen Savva, Director of the "Center for Scientific and Technical Information" State Institution. During the lively discussion, the participants of the round table raised a number of important issues, such as:

Improving the system of financing inventive projects and inventive activities;

New mechanisms for the commercialization of intellectual property rights;

Formation of a foreign network of sales of licenses for Russian inventions;

Popularization of invention among young people.

It is expected that the round table organized by the regional organization VOIR in the Republic of Tatarstan will become a platform for further dialogue between inventors, business and the state, and will also contribute to creating a favorable environment for the development of innovation activities in Russia.

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