High-tech companies of Tatarstan can attract investments for the implementation of projects

12 April 2024, Friday

416 innovative companies of the Republic of Tatarstan are located in the "startup showcase", where they can attract investments for the implementation of projects. The showcase is a platform solution that provides interaction between small technology companies, investors and industrial partners. Technology startups can search for investments, investors can search for promising projects, and industrial partners can search for innovative products.

According to the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, Dinar Shakirov, small technology companies placed on the showcase can also receive state support in the form of preferential loans in the amount of up to 1 billion rubles. at a rate of 3% per annum, grants under the Business Start program of the Innovation Assistance Fund up to 12 million steering wheels on priority terms.

We are talking about commercial organizations that carry out activities using innovative technologies, and whose revenue ranges from 1 million rubles to 4 billion rubles per year. Small technology companies have been given the opportunity to receive government support in the form of preferential loans in the amount of up to 1 billion rubles at a rate of 3% per annum for investment or revolving purposes, as well as a number of other state support measures, the Deputy minister noted.  

Enterprises that use technologies from the list of 14 priority high-tech areas when creating products can apply for financial support. These are, among other things, technologies related to:

microelectronics and the creation of an electronic component base;

hydrogen energy and decarbonization of industry and transport based on natural gas;

creation of new materials and substances;

electric power transmission and distributed intelligent power systems;

creation of modern equipment, devices and apparatus for the needs of Russian industry;

the development of genetic technologies, biotechnologies and pharmaceuticals.

Small technology companies can apply for a loan on preferential terms on the digital platform "SME.RF", grants - on the website of the Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation.

Let us recall that the Startup Showcase was created in November 2023 as a support measure for innovative companies within the framework of the Federal project "Take-off - from startup to IPO".


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