More than 300 schoolchildren from Tatarstan took part in the Business case Championship

25 March 2024, Monday

On March 22, the next stage of the republican large-scale project "School Business Start" which continues its work in Tatarstan took place. The event was attended by more than 300 children of secondary school age from different cities and villages of the republic.   

During the event, Tatarstan schoolchildren received practical tasks from existing entrepreneurs: the guys had to offer their own solutions to get out of problematic situations that may arise when doing business. So, future entrepreneurs had, for example, to think about how to attract customers to the entertainment center not only on holidays and weekends, but also on weekdays; how to attract children to practice in the yoga section; how to motivate employees to grow and develop in the company, etc. In total, five business cases were offered to future entrepreneurs. After 10 days, each team will have to submit their proposals for solving a particular problem.

Of the 30 school teams that have completed the task most successfully, 12 will be selected. They will move on to the next stage of the business case championship, which will be held in person in Kazan on April 18. Subsequently, all 12 teams will also take part in the final meeting, where they will present the financial results of their business projects. As a result, three winning teams will be determined. They will go to Moscow.

Support programs and free educational events are being implemented on the basis of the Tatarstan center "My Business" with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship", which was initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin and overseen by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.

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