Small technology companies can receive up to 1 billion rubles under the preferential lending program

12 March 2024, Tuesday

The program of preferential loans at 3% per annum of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has become available to high-tech and innovative Russian companies. It operates within the framework of the federal project "Take-off – from startup to IPO".

Also, the amount of borrowed funds under this program has been increased to 1 billion rubles for those small technology companies that are included in the relevant register.

At the same time, in order to obtain a loan from a small technology company, it will not be necessary to undergo an examination and provide documents to confirm innovation.

Changes to the loan program have been prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development together with the SME Corporation on behalf of Andrei Belousov. Small technology companies can already apply for a loan on preferential terms through a special service on the SME.RF digital platform. The application review period is up to one and a half months.

Under the terms of the program, its participants can raise funds at a preferential rate of 3% per annum for investment or revolving purposes. Financial support can be provided to enterprises using technologies from the list of 14 priority high-tech areas when creating products. In particular, technologies related to artificial intelligence, quantum communications, modern and promising mobile communication networks, and the development of hydrogen energy.

The preferential loan program within the framework of the federal project "Take-off – from startup to IPO" was launched in 2022 as part of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises".

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