Entrepreneurs of Tatarstan received 2.1 billion rubles of preferential loans for the development of tourism in 2023 under the national SME project

28 February 2024, Wednesday

Small and medium-sized enterprises of Russia working in the field of tourism received preferential financing in 2023 for a total amount of over 59 billion rubles. The volume of support for Tatarstan enterprises amounted to 2.1 billion rubles. Support was provided as part of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises".

"We note not only the good dynamics of the development of domestic tourism, but also see the growth of investors in this area, tourism is becoming one of the fastest growing industries. Today it is important to develop the offer, therefore, increasing the number of rooms is one of our key priorities. Investors can use a number of support tools within the framework of national projects, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development. The implementation of projects for the construction of new hotels with the support of the national project "Small and medium—sized enterprises" will increase the quality of the room stock, will provide new opportunities for the development of tourism in the regions," said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Dmitry Vakhrukov.

Tatarstan has also entered the top 5 regions in attracting financing for tourism.

"Entrepreneurs have received financial support both through concessional lending programs for the implementation of new projects, and in the form of guarantees and sureties from participants in the National Guarantee System. 37.4 billion rubles were attracted for investment loans, including 11 billion rubles for the construction of new accommodation facilities and the expansion of the number of rooms," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation.

Measures to support SMEs from the hotel sector and the catering industry are provided within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". It is supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov. Tourism projects are also supported within the framework of the international project "Tourism and the Hospitality Industry", curated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. For specialized national projects, for example, there is a program of preferential lending to large hotels and a program of subsidizing the construction of modular hotels.

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