Beginner entrepreneurs of Tatarstan will be told how to get a social contract and open their own business

20 February 2024, Tuesday

Up to 350 thousand rubles of one-time payment can be received from the state to open your own business. The My Business Center of the Republic of Tatarstan has been launching the 2nd stream of free training for recipients of a social contract since February 26.

The speakers of the webinar will teach the basics of entrepreneurship, including drawing up a business plan to attract financing. The educational program is free of charge thanks to the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises".

A social contract of up to 350 thousand rubles is provided to low-income citizens whose income is below the subsistence minimum established in the Republic of Tatarstan. A social contract is concluded between the Department of Social Protection of the population and a citizen planning to start an entrepreneurial activity as a self-employed or sole proprietor. The contract must be implemented within 12 months.

To participate in the educational program, you must apply on the SME.RF Digital Platform in the section "Regional support measures", select the service "Registration for a training program for citizens planning to conclude a social contract".

The training takes place 1 time per month according to the following schedule:

26.02.2024 – 29.02.2024 

25.03.2024 – 28.03.2024

22.04.2024 – 25.04.2024

27.05.2024 – 30.05.2024

24.06.2024 – 27.06.2024        

22.07.2024 – 25.07.2024                

26.08.2024 – 29.08.2024                

23.09.2024 – 26.09.2024                        

28.10.2024 – 31.10.2024 

25.11.2024 – 28.11.2024                

16.12.2024 – 19.12.2024       

For registration and participation in the training program, you can contact the My Business Center by calling the hotline: 8(843)524-90-90. 

Let us recall that the purpose of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative" is to support business at all stages of its development: from the initial idea to expansion and export. National projects initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin started in 2019.

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