The volume of investments in fixed assets in Tatarstan exceeded a trillion rubles by the end of last year

16 February 2024, Friday

This figure was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Midhat Shagiakhmetov, at the final board of the department.

The growth rate of investments in fixed assets by the end of 2023 is provided at the level of 111%. There is a positive trend in almost all sectors of the economy. The main growth was achieved at the expense of the enterprises' own funds, the share of which amounted to more than 70%.

"Maintaining investment activity is the most important factor for ensuring sustainable economic development," the speaker stressed.

The Minister also indicated that in order to maintain the growth rate of their own private investments, necessary:

- further development of the institutional environment and improvement of the investment climate;

- stability of conditions for investors, 

- advanced preparation of infrastructure for projects, 

- stimulating investments in technologically complex projects.

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