Women entrepreneurs will be taught the basics of export within the framework of the national project

12 November 2023, Sunday

With the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the My Business Center in Kazan will host a free two-day intensive for active women entrepreneurs, within which participants will be able to improve their competencies for successful work in the Russian and international markets.

Participants of the program are waiting for 12 thematic blocks, case analysis and a certificate of advanced training. The training program includes such aspects as:

  • Entrepreneur's life cycle
  • Basics of taxation
  • Organization and maintenance of accounting
  • Fundamentals of financial planning and analysis
  • Working with banks
  • Measures to support entrepreneurial initiative at the pre-export stage
  • Export readiness
  • Peculiarities of taxation during export
  • Additional tasks of the accountant when exporting
  • Financial planning for export
  • Sources of financing for exporters and importers and financial support for the exporter
  • What else the exporter needs to know

Individual entrepreneurs, managers, owners and decision makers in the company can take part in the training program.

To participate, you need to fill out a questionnaire using the link.

For registration and participation, entrepreneurs can contact the Export Support Center by phone: +7 (843) 222-90-60 (ext. 272, 278, 279, 313, 316), and also by calling the hotline of the Center "My business": 8 (843) 524-90-90.

The training will be conducted by the Export Support Center together with the ANO DPO "Export School of JSC "Russian Export Center" within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship". National projects are being implemented in the country on the initiative and on instruction of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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