The delegation of the Ministry of Economy and subordinate organizations met with entrepreneurs of Agryzsky district

4 April 2023, Tuesday

A delegation of the Ministry of Economy and subordinate organizations headed by First Deputy Minister of Economy of Tatarstan Ayrat Shamsiev visited the enterprises of the Agryzsky district of the republic on a working visit. As part of the business trip, representatives of the Ministry of Economy held a meeting with the entrepreneurial asset of the district, discussed support measures and other topical issues of business development.

The first stop of the delegation of the Ministry of Economy was the "Agryz-Razvitie" industrial park, created on the basis of the budget-forming enterprise of the district – Agryz meat processing plant. The plant has been operating in the field of meat processing since 2011. Today, the average number of employees exceeds 200 people. Representatives of the plant shared further plans for the development of the enterprise.

Representatives of the departments also visited the construction site of the "Egerge" future logistics park. In the future, the transport and logistics industrial park will become an important part of the infrastructure of accelerated freight transportation. On the basis of the park, it is planned to develop intermodal transportation, create a container terminal, as well as other enterprises providing a logistics park, which is especially important due to the organization of new logistics routes.

Another point of visit was the Agryz-Yuzhny locomotive depot. The transport hub ensures the effective development of a competitive transport business at the Gorky Railway landfill, the core of which is the safe and efficient performance of tasks for the transportation of goods and passengers, as well as the organization of new logistics chains under sanctions.

Also, representatives of the Ministry of Economy and subordinate structures held a round table with entrepreneurs of the district. The topic of the round table was federal and regional support measures and the participation of the republic's business in existing development programs. Representatives of support institutions spoke about the opportunities created in Tatarstan for the development of various spheres and business directions at all stages of its formation, implemented, among other things, within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship".

Another issue of the event was the work on the resources of the Republican Marketing Center.

At the round table it was noted that in order to effectively organize the work of the import substitution service of the Republican Marketing Center, it is necessary to inform the enterprises of the district about the possibilities of the created resource, conducting training seminars, as well as about the need to maximize the filling of the resource with information about previously purchased imported products and their replacement.

The meeting also discussed problematic issues arising under the conditions of sanctions pressure, existing tools for their solution and proposals aimed at improving existing support programs.

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