The list of projects of the Investment Memorandum of Tatarstan for 2020-2022 was approved

11 February 2022, Friday

Priority projects in the field of oil products production include projects for installations and sections of PJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashin, JSC TANECO, in the field of chemical production - projects for the construction and technical re-equipment of the production of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, organizing the production of films for packaging food products LLC "Scientific and Production Enterprise" Tasma ".

As part of the implementation of projects in the field of agriculture, projects for the reconstruction of elevator capacities, the production of cheese and the construction of high-tech complexes for animal husbandry and dairy production were approved this year.

The list of priority investment projects also includes projects in the “production of machinery and equipment” direction - the production of refrigeration and freezing equipment, washing machines and stamped products (Hayer Industry RUS LLC).

Other priority areas include the production of electricity, heat, gas and water. The memorandum included projects for the construction of a thermal power plant of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, the reconstruction of power boiler units TGME-464 of the Nizhnekamsk CHP (PJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashin, LLC Nizhnekamsk CHP), the construction of a 110 kV Sakury (JSC "Grid Company") and combined-cycle plant (CCGT) with a capacity of 850 MW at Zainskaya GRES (JSC "Tatenergo").

The document also highlights a number of projects approved for implementation with the provision of state support in the form of tax benefits, including: the Biosphere-Fish fish breeding complex, the production of divinylstyrene synthetic rubber, the development of Zelenodolsk and Yelabuga wholesale distribution centers, etc.

The inclusion of an investment project in the list of priority investment projects of the Republic of Tatarstan is a necessary condition:

to conclude an agreement on the implementation of an investment project with the authorized body of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, on the basis of which tax benefits are provided in accordance with the legislation on taxes and fees and the law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated November 25, 1998 No. 1872 "On investment activities in the Republic of Tatarstan";

to include an investment project in the measures of regional importance for territorial planning of the Republic of Tatarstan when making changes to the Scheme of territorial planning of the Republic of Tatarstan;

to receive priority financing of an investment project by credit institutions.

You can get acquainted with the Investment Memorandum of the Republic of Tatarstan on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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