Special economic zones of Tatarstan are recognized as leaders in the efficiency of their functioning

12 July 2021, Monday

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has published a report on the results of the country's special economic zones (SEZ) for 2020. According to the results of the evaluation of the department, the SEZ "Innopolis" and "Alabuga" of the Republic of Tatarstan were among the leaders in terms of operational efficiency.

The Ministry of Economic Development has identified three categories of efficiency of special economic zones: effective functioning (the indicator is higher than 80%), fairly effective functioning (from 40% to 80%) and inefficient functioning (less than 40%).

According to the methodology, the efficiency of the SEZ was assessed by 25 absolute and relative quantitative indicators, as well as by 6 calculated indicators. The final assessment takes into account the overall results of the work of residents of special economic zones, the profitability of investing federal and regional budgets in the creation of infrastructure, the contribution to achieving national goals, the consolidated efficiency indicator and other parameters.

The Ministry of Economic Development conducted an assessment of the activities of 33 special economic zones of Russia, divided into four types: 15 industrial-production type, 7 technical-innovative type, 10 tourist-recreational type and 1 port.

According to the results of the report, two special economic zones of Tatarstan – SEZ of the industrial and production type "Alabuga" and the SEZ of the technical and innovative type "Innopolis" received the status of "effective functioning".

Today, SEZ "Alabuga" is among the three leaders of successful industrial and production special economic zones on the territory of the Russian Federation. Alabuga is the leader both in terms of investments made by residents and in terms of revenue received from their activities.

To date, 33 residents carry out production activities on the territory of the SEZ "Alabuga", which have created more than 7.6 thousand jobs. A number of major global companies such as Kastamonu, HAYAT, Air Liquide, 3M, Rockwool, Armstrong, August, Transneft, etc. have chosen Alabuga for conducting scientific research and placing production facilities. According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2021, the total volume of investments declared by residents of the SEZ "Alabuga" amounted to more than 218.2 billion rubles. The volume of revenue from products produced at the SEZ over the past year amounted to 87.5 billion rubles, for the 1st quarter of 2021, 20.7 billion rubles.

The Innopolis Special Economic Zone has become the leader among the 7 technical and implementation zones of the country. To date, 110 companies have been included in the register of residents of the Mayor of the Russian Federation in the SEZ "Innopolis", the companies have created more than 4 thousand jobs. Among the residents are ICL Group companies, "New Cloud Technologies", Schneider Electric, "Magnit IT Lab", "IT X5 Technologies", "Open Mobile Platform" , among the partners are Acronis, S7 TechLab, Tinkoff Bank, Alfa-Bank, Yandex, Sberbank, RSHB-Intech, etc. According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2021, residents and partners of the SEZ "Innopolis" invested 34.4 billion rubles, the volume of revenue amounted to 28.1 billion rubles.

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