Since the beginning of the year, young innovators of Tatarstan have received grants in the amount of 119 million rubles

25 May 2021, Tuesday

Since the beginning of 2021, the Innovation Assistance Fund has supported 20 applications for grants from young scientists from Tatarstan. The total amount of grants for approved projects is 119 million rubles.

Within the framework of the competitions, the Innovation Assistance Fund provides financial support to small innovative enterprises of Tatarstan, which introduce the results of their own research and development work into production. Interaction with this development institute in the Republic is supervised by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Ministry of Economy provides consulting assistance to entrepreneurs-innovators for participation in eight main grant programs: "Commercialization", "Smart Guy", "Start", "Development" and "Development-NTI". The amount of grants for one project is from 500 thousand to 50 million rubles.

In total, 114 projects have been submitted for participation in these programs since the beginning of 2021, 20 of which received support from the Fund for a total of 119 million rubles. Currently, applications for the competitions "START", "Development-SOPR" and "Development-NTI" are being accepted. 

Innovative developments of Tatarstan scientists are aimed at improving digital technologies, the latest techniques in medicine, construction, the automotive industry, robotics, chemical technologies, and even in the space industry.

Kazan (16 projects), Innopolis (1 project), Nizhnekamsk District (1 project), Zelenodolsk District (1 project), Laishevsky District (1 project) became the leaders among municipal districts in terms of the number of approved projects.

One of the winners of the "Start" program was the company "FST-Integro" – a resident of the SEZ "Innopolis". The developer presented a cloud-based information solution for flexible management of bus passenger transportation, which was supported by a grant of 3 million rubles.

Students of 8-10 grades of the engineering lyceum at the KAI – contestants of the program "Involving young people in innovation" – received a grant of 2.5 million rubles for the development, testing and preparation for the launch of the small spacecraft KAI-1.

The project is implemented within the framework of the youth innovation program of the Foundation "Space-π", which is aimed at popularizing space research and development by involving schoolchildren in engineering topics and creating models of spacecraft. The project is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first human spaceflight.

The developed spacecraft was presented by the Engineering lyceum of KNRTU-KAI to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R. N. Minnikhanov within the framework of the exhibition of the final board of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

For more information about the competitions, please contact the Ministry's employees by phone: (843) 524-91-36 or on the official website of the Foundation

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