The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan has developed a preferential microloan for social entrepreneurs

16 March 2021, Tuesday

"Social Entrepreneur" microfinance product was developed by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and is aimed at helping businesses focused on solving social problems and tasks.  Acceptance of applications for a preferential microloan at a rate equal to 1/2 of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Business Support Fund subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

The support is provided within the framework of the "Small and Medium-sized enterprises and support for individual entrepreneurial Initiative" national project. Entrepreneurs from among social ones who have passed the acceleration program in the current calendar year and carry out activities aimed at achieving socially useful goals, as well as contributing to the solution of social problems of society and citizens, can count on receiving the microloan.

In addition, a social entrepreneur must be registered as an SME and carry out activities on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, if the above requirements are met; the borrower can receive a microloan from 300 thousand to 5 million rubles for any reasonable business purposes for up to 24 months under the following conditions: 

- for SME registered and operating in the territory of a single-industry city, the interest rate is equal to 1/2 of the key Bank of Russia, established on the date of conclusion of the microloan agreement (if there is pledged collateral) or key (if there is no pledged collateral);

- for other social entrepreneurs, the rate is equal to the key Central Bank of the Russian Federation, established on the date of conclusion of the microloan agreement.

Also, a deferred payment of the principal debt for up to 12 months is available to the entrepreneur. The Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan is ready to provide a guarantee in the amount of up to 50% of the microloan amount.

An application for a microloan can be submitted through the "MFC for Business" or regional representatives of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund, represented in almost all municipalities of the republic. Contact information for regional representatives can be found on the website in the My Business Center section.

An application for a microloan can also be submitted online on the FASTTREK.RF portal. The portal is a unique project of the republic, created to simplify the access of entrepreneurs to support measures and interaction with government agencies in the Internet space. The portal operates in a "single window" format – one can track the receipt and progress of the application remotely in the "Personal Account".

To get advice on this and other business support measures in force in the republic by phone: 8 (843) 524-90-90.



For reference: 

Social entrepreneurs who provide employment for the following categories of citizens can apply for a microloan:

- invalids and persons with disabilities;

- single and (or) parents with many children raising minor children, including children with disabilities;

- pensioners and citizens of pre-retirement age (within five years before the age that entitles them to an old-age insurance pension, including one that is assigned ahead of schedule);

- graduates of orphanages under the age of twenty-three;

- persons released from prison and having an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record;

- refugees and internal refugees;

- low-income citizens;

- persons of no fixed abode and occupation;

- citizens recognized as in need of social services.

At the same time, according to the results of the previous calendar year, the average number of persons belonging to any of the above categories (one or more) among the employees of the SME subject should be at least 50% (but not less than two persons), and the share of labor costs of such persons is at least 25%.

Also, a social entrepreneur will meet the conditions of the program if he ensures the sale of goods (works, services) produced by the above categories of citizens. At the same time, the share of income from the implementation of such activities based on the results of the previous calendar year should be at least 50% of the total income of the entrepreneur, as well as the share of the net profit received by him for the previous calendar year, directed to the implementation of activities in the current year (if there is a net profit for the previous calendar year).

Another type of business suitable for the program will be the production of goods (works, services) intended for these categories in order to create conditions for them to overcome or compensate for the limitations of their life, as well as opportunities to participate on an equal basis with other citizens in the life of society – the conditions for the share of income are preserved. The types of activities include: 

- social and household services aimed at maintaining an everyday life;

- social and medical services aimed at maintaining and preserving health through the organization of care, assistance in conducting health-improving activities, systematic monitoring to identify abnormalities in the state of health;

- social and psychological services that provide assistance in correcting the psychological state for adaptation to the social environment;

- social and educational services aimed at preventing behavioral disorders;

- social and labor services aimed at providing assistance in employment and in solving other problems related to labor adaptation;

- services that provide for improving communication potential, rehabilitation and social adaptation, social support services;

- production and (or) sale of medical equipment, prosthetic and orthopedic products, software, as well as technical means that can be used exclusively for the prevention of disability or rehabilitation (habilitation) of disabled people;

- organization of recreation and health improvement for disabled people and pensioners;

- services in the field of additional education;

- creating conditions for unhindered access of persons with disabilities to social, engineering, and transport infrastructure facilities and the use of means of transport, communication, and information.

Also, entrepreneurs who conduct activities aimed at achieving socially useful goals and contributing to the solution of social problems of society can count on receiving a microloan – the conditions for the share of income are preserved:

- psychological, pedagogical and other services aimed at strengthening the family, ensuring family education of children and supporting motherhood and childhood;

- organization of recreation and health improvement for children;

- services in the field of preschool education and general education, additional education of children;

- psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, development and social adaptation;

- training of employees and volunteers of socially oriented non-profit organizations aimed at improving the quality of services provided by such organizations;

- cultural and educational activities (including the activities of private museums, theaters, libraries, archives, studio schools, creative workshops, botanical and zoological gardens, cultural centers, folk art houses);

- services aimed at the development of interethnic cooperation, preservation and protection of the identity, culture, languages and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

- production of periodicals and book products related to education, science and culture included in the list of types of periodicals and book products related to education, science and culture approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, which are subject to value-added tax at the rate of 10%.


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