Measures to support business and the economy were discussed at a traditional meeting at the Ministry of Economy

5 November 2020, Thursday

The Ministry of Economy hosted a meeting of the working group on implementation of the Action Plan to ensure the sustainable development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan amid a worsening situation due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection, volatility in oil prices and the dollar exchange rate.

At the event, Deputy Minister Oleg Pelevin said that the moratorium on scheduled inspections of small businesses will be extended until 2021, which will reduce the administrative and tax burden on companies. In addition, the granted deferral of taxes and insurance premiums is extended by 3 months for small and medium-sized companies in the affected industries, which did not have an objective opportunity to restore their previous position, first of all, this is the sphere of public catering and other services.

 It was also noted that a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1748 of October 27, 2020 was signed on changes in conditions of the preferential mortgage program for the purchase or construction of housing in rural areas. The Rural Mortgage program has been in operation since 2020. With its help, citizens can get a loan at a preferential rate of 0.1 to 3% per annum for the purchase of a land plot and the construction of housing on it, an apartment in a new building, a ready-made private house, as well as for the construction of housing on an existing site. The down payment is 10%. The maximum term is 25 years. The mortgage applies to land or housing in rural areas and in towns with a population of no more than 30 thousand people.

Further, the issues of bringing the country's economy to the trajectory of sustainable economic growth, which provides for two stages, were considered.

The first stage, the recovery one, is the IV quarter of 2020 and the whole of 2021. Here it is necessary to move to a sustainable growth in real incomes of the population and the economy as a whole, to restore the most affected sectors, including small and medium-sized businesses, to normalize the unemployment rate - to reach a level below 5% of the number of employees.

The second stage of bringing the country to the trajectory of economic growth covers the period 2022-2024. As part of the second stage, a draft Unified Plan for Achieving the National Development Goals of Russia was developed. The plan defines strategic priorities for the next 10 years, specific steps and mechanisms to achieve the goals defined in the Decree of the President of Russia “On National Goals for Development of the Russian Federation till 2030”. It includes the main activities of state programs and national projects with regional.

Within the framework of the meeting, speeches of representatives of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as speeches from Aktanyshskiy, Alkeyevskiy, Zainskiy and Kukmorskiy regions were heard.

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