The first micro loan issued through the FASTTRACK online platform was issued

28 November 2019, Thursday

The business support Fund subordinated to the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan issued the first micro-loan, registration of the application, verification of documents and approval procedure for which were held online on the FASTTRACK.RF platform .

Financial support in the amount of 300 thousand rubles was received by an individual entrepreneur from Kazan, developing his business in the field of real estate management. The micro loan is issued for 3 years at a rate of 7.5% per annum.

To obtain this measure of support, the businessman sent an electronic application and the necessary package of documents for approval to the relevant structures through the portal фасттрек.рф. After that, the applicant simply monitors the progress of the consideration of his application and the execution of the request. Statuses about the intermediate stages of approval of the application are displayed in the personal account of the entrepreneur on the portal.

This eliminated the inconvenience associated with the need to make an appointment for a face-to-face appointment with representatives of departments, to wait for the consultation in the queue.

"FASTTRACK is gaining popularity among entrepreneurs. We receive applications online, the documents are considered, in case of any inconsistencies with the requirements of the applicant promptly informed about it-he can Supplement the package of documents or adjust your request. With regard to the provision of microloans to SMEs, now the whole process of approval from the moment of application takes no more than 10 working days instead of 30, as it was before. You can send an application for their receipt at any time of the day and from any locality. This is especially important for residents of Tatarstan, developing business in remote areas of the Republic, " Minister of economy Farid Abdulganiev said.

FASTTRACK.RF is a fundamentally new tool that simplifies the access of entrepreneurs to financial services, which was developed by the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. To date, there are no analogues of FASTTRACK in Russia. The project contributes to the advanced achievement of the goals in the framework of two national projects - "Digitalization" and "Small and medium-sized enterprises". 

By the end of 2019, the most popular measures of SME support in Tatarstan will be available through FASTTRACK, during 2020 more than 40 services for entrepreneurs operating in the territory of Tatarstan will be added to the portal.


ФАСТТРЕК.РФ is an online platform developed by the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan for the translation of the interaction between SMEs and government agencies into the digital economy. To receive a support measure, it is now enough to send an electronic application and the necessary list of documents through the Portal to the relevant coordinating agencies. After that, the applicant simply monitors the progress of the consideration of his application and the execution of the request. Statuses about the progress of the application approval process are displayed in the entrepreneur's personal account on the portal.

FASTTRACK helps to remove the maximum number of barriers – bureaucratic, informational, financial and temporary, which can stop a potential entrepreneur from making a decision about starting his own business. The first release of FASTTRACK in 2019 involves the implementation of the most popular measures of support among SMEs in Tatarstan, during 2020, more than 40 measures of support for entrepreneurs operating in the territory of Tatarstan will be added to the portal.

www.фасттрек.рф .

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