The JSC "The Special Economic Zones" and the Union "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) with support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation signed a cooperation agreement
The document will provide the companies - SEZ residents with highly skilled personnel. The parties agreed to employ the participants of championships "Young Professionals" and graduates from secondary-special educational institutions who passed the exam according to the WorldSkills standards in the companies working on the territory of SEZ. In addition, the agreement will provide an opportunity for young professionals to gain experience on the enterprises of the world-class level, as well as to implement their entrepreneurial initiatives.
The parties agreed to conduct joint personnel activities and to distribute the information among young professionals on new job places that are being opened in enterprises in special economic zones.
The Deputy Director of the Regional Development Department of the Ministry of Economy Development - Elmira Akhmeeva noted, that solution of the the staffing issue would be an additional advantage for investors. "When residents choose sites, they travel through the regions and look at the staffing potential." It's very important. "There is an example in the Kaluga Region where the company chose a particular SEZ due to the availability of staffing potential", she reported.