There is a change in the schedule of receiving applications for giving microloans under the Program "Stability" for the businessmen, who suffered from termination of the banks' operational activities

6 February 2017, Monday

The Ministry of Economy of RT informs that there is a change in work schedule of NCO "Fund of entrepreneurship support of the Republic of Tatarstan” in respect of giving microloans under the benefit program "Stability" for businessmen - clients of the banks, which suspended their operational activities. Applications for giving microloans are collected: Monday - Friday from 8.00 until 20.00, Saturday – from 8.00 until 17.00, Sunday – Closed. The "Hot line" for collecting verbal requests from businessmen (843) 524-90-90 - is open daily from 8.00 until 20.00.

The microloans under the benefit program "Stability" are given for a term of up to 3 years with a possibility of deferred payment of the main debt during the first 12 months to a businessman  – the client of the bank, which suspended the operational activities, for payment of the earlier signed civil law contracts, salaries for employees, payment of taxes, feed duties and other mandatory payments, replenishment of circulating assets for improvement of paying capacity and activities of the enterprise. The interest rate of the microloan under the special program amounts to 5% per annum.

In case of a requesting a microloan up to 300 000 RUB - only the suretyship of the business owners is required.

In case of a requesting a microloan from 300 000 RUB up to 600 000 RUB - it is possible to engage the suretyship of the NCO "Warranty Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan" in amount up to 50 from the microloan amount.

In case of a requesting a microloan over 600 000 RUB - the suretyship of the business owners, the pledge of movable and immovable property are required. In case of insufficiency of pledge security - it is possible to provide the suretyship of NCO "Warranty Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan" in amount up to 50 from the microloan amount.

You can see a list of documents , required for getting a microloan under the program "Stability" on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan  ( and on the website of NCO "Fund of entrepreneurship support of the Republic of Tatarstan" (

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