A strategic session was held in Kazan today to identify the main priorities for the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tatarstan until 2030, as well as to review the current state of business development in the region. The event brought together key representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises, government agencies and public organizations.
The purpose of the session was to synchronize the overall vision of the development of the business environment in the region. During the discussions, the participants outlined the current challenges for entrepreneurs at different stages of their life cycle, as well as analyzed existing programs and tools that support the development of entrepreneurial initiatives, including within the framework of the national project "Efficient and Competitive Economy".
Among the tasks facing the participants was to identify deficits and uncovered areas in the field of entrepreneurship support. This made it possible to develop specific proposals for improving regional programs and projects aimed at developing entrepreneurial activity in Tatarstan.
The main result of the session was the formation of a common understanding of the strategic directions and priorities necessary to support and develop the business environment in the region. New ideas and mechanisms have been proposed that will help effectively solve emerging problems and promote entrepreneurial initiatives until 2030.
The Republic of Tatarstan demonstrates results in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. According to the review of the current state presented by the First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development of the Republic of Tatarstan Natalia Kondratova, in 2024 there is a positive trend in all key indicators:
- The number of SMEs has already increased by 178 thousand subjects,
- The number of newly created SMEs amounted to over 31 thousand entities,
- The number of employees in SMEs has reached almost 850 thousand people,
- The number of economically active self-employed accounted for 67.7% of the total.
The leading industries in terms of the number of SMEs are trade, construction, transportation and storage. Manufacturing, IT, and other promising areas are actively developing. The share of SMEs in GRP is 24.2%, and the turnover of SMEs has reached 2.8 trillion rubles. Tax revenues from SMEs amounted to 232.9 billion rubles, which is 20.9% of the total tax revenues of the republic.
A network of industrial parks is actively developing in the republic. Their number has reached 105, of which 94 are accredited. The number of park residents is 1,725 subjects. The presence of Tatarstan entrepreneurs on marketplaces and participation in events such as "Supplier's Day" is also growing.
Tatarstan implements a wide range of federal and national measures to support SMEs. The total amount of support is 83 billion rubles. Special attention is paid to the real sector of the economy, exporters, start-up entrepreneurs, Islamic finance and enterprises that promote their activities.
It should be recalled that business support is provided within the framework of the national project "Efficient and Competitive Economy". More information about support measures can be found on the website Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.