The Republic of Tatarstan and 35 other regions of the country have become pilot regions for the formation of investment proposals for business. This is a request from the subjects of the Russian Federation to create a specific type of production in a certain location. Subsequently, investment proposals will be posted on the investment map of Russia and any entrepreneur will be able to start implementing the project.
"The formation of investment proposals is necessary for a proactive investment policy and the implementation of spatial priorities of the regions. This practice is actively used by the subjects of the Central Federal District. We plan to prepare the first package of investment proposals by the end of the year. From 2025, all regions will start forming investment proposals," said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Murat Kerefov.
Investment proposals in priority market segments for the regions will contain detailed documents on the preliminary conditions for the implementation of the investment project, on infrastructure and resource provision, and on available support measures. Methodological recommendations for this have been developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation together with the NAAIR and business associations.
The formation of investment proposals is part of a new stage in the development of the regional investment standard. It includes work on reducing the investor's client path within the framework of the End-to-End Investment Flow project and the introduction of a system for collecting feedback from businesses. In mid-September, the mechanism was launched on the Public Services portal. Now you can get advice there or solve issues related to business support and maintenance, personnel, use of natural resources, connection to engineering networks, and highways.