3 entrepreneurs from Tatarstan became participants of the accelerator of youth projects

23 September 2024, Monday

The winners of the "Create OURS" competition have successfully passed the "SME: Accelerator of youth projects". The program was attended by 30 people from 20 regions who became the best according to the results of the competitive selection held in the spring of 2024. Tatarstan was represented by 3 participants. 

Among all subjects of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan and St. Petersburg — 3 people each. The remaining regions were represented by 2 participants.

The SME Program: The Accelerator of Youth Projects", which started on July 12, was a continuation of the "Create OURS" competition, which we conducted jointly with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. Thanks to the participation in the competition, 30 of the best young entrepreneurs in the country, despite their age, have already been able to loudly declare themselves. Our accelerator has gathered participants who are very different in their fields of activity: 6 of them represent the production of clothing and accessories, 2 — retail trade by mail or via the Internet. Other areas are unique and do not repeat themselves, including beekeeping, the production of workwear, the production of perfumes and cosmetics, education for children and adults, and others. For companies that had sales before the start of the program, revenue increased by an average of 30%," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation.

Among the participants of the SME program: Accelerator of youth projects" the majority (23 people) are individual entrepreneurs or represent companies no more than 2 years old. Another 7 participants are individuals between the ages of 14 and 28, sole proprietors or founders of legal entities registered before March 1, 2024.

3 active entrepreneurs from Tatarstan took part in the accelerator of youth projects with projects for the production of organic fertilizers, furniture and decor items, as well as metal jewelry. 

"The federal competition "Create OURS" is a continuation of the work of the Agency to support young entrepreneurs. We are pleased with the results of the participants after the accelerator: many of them showed a multiple increase in revenue, qualitative improvement of the project and the material base. This confirms the correctness of the decision to continue the competition for the next year," said Alexander Vaino, Director of the SIA Young Professionals department.

Let us recall that the final of the "Create OURS" competition was held on April 22. It was organized and conducted by the SME Corporation and the Strategic Initiatives Agency. During the grand summing up ceremony, 30 names of the winners were announced. Each of them received a grant for the development of their business in the amount of 1 million rubles, as well as the opportunity to complete the SME program: Accelerator of youth projects". Support for SMEs is provided within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises".

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