Gulnaz Ismagilova spoke on the radio station about tools to reduce administrative pressure

20 September 2024, Friday

Today, on Business FM radio, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Gulnaz Ismagilova spoke about tools to reduce administrative pressure in the region and the growth of preventive measures.


The audience learned that within the framework of the current moratorium on inspections, their number in Tatarstan has decreased by 4 times. At the same time, the number of preventive measures has increased by 2 times.

"We see the transformation of the control and supervisory function of the authorities - the number of inspections is minimal, the emphasis is shifted towards prevention," the speaker shared.

One of the topics of conversation was digital services in the field of supervision. The Deputy Minister spoke about channels and services for recording a professional visit and for evaluating it upon completion, as well as about the republican development - a free platform of useful knowledge and services in the field of control and supervisory activities "Verified Business" and a mobile application for conducting remote online inspections - "Inspector".

In addition, Gulnaz Ismagilova recalled that entrepreneurs can influence decisions made by the state and participate in rulemaking. This can be done as part of the examination and evaluation of regulatory legal acts, for example, by participating in public consultations.

You can get advice on the current moratorium on inspections, business support measures implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises" by calling the hotline number of the My Business Center: 8 (843) 524-90-90.

The interview will be released next week on the Business FM radio station (frequency 93.5 FM). We will additionally inform you of the exact date.


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