The amount of taxes paid by the self-employed of Tatarstan amounted to 6.8 billion rubles

31 July 2024, Wednesday

Over 342 thousand citizens have been registered as self-employed in Tatarstan over the five years of the special tax regime. During this time, the self-employed have generated 83 million checks and paid 6.8 billion taxes to the republic's treasury. 

In the Republic of Tatarstan, as of the beginning of July 2024, the number of citizens applying the tax on professional income is 342.3 thousand people. The growth compared to the beginning of 2024 amounted to almost 12% or 36.2 thousand people. 

"The number of self-employed people in Tatarstan is growing every year - the republic is among the TOP 5 regions of the country in terms of the number of registered professional income tax payers, which indicates the creation of attractive conditions for micro-business in the region. The Republic actively supports start-up entrepreneurs within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship". The self-employed can register for free or on preferential terms on electronic trading platforms, get access to preferential rental of state and municipal property, they have access to consultations and educational programs, financial support," said Natalia Kondratova, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

Natalia Kondratova noted that in order to market the products of the self-employed in the republic, fairs are held on a regular basis under the brand "I am Tatarstan" with the organization of free retail outlets in points with high traffic of residents and guests of the republic. Fairs are one of the most popular support measures for Tatarstan's self-employed. 

The Deputy Minister added that most often the self-employed provide services in the field of passenger transportation, delivery, apartment rental, advertising and marketing, construction and tutoring.

Thanks to the comprehensive state support implemented in Tatarstan within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises", since the beginning of the special tax regime, the self-employed of Tatarstan have generated more than 83 million checks, received over 160 billion rubles of total income. 

Support for the self-employed in the Republic of Tatarstan is being implemented by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the My Business Center within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", which was initiated by the President of Russia.


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