On the SME.RF Digital Platform the service "Investment Lending Support Center" is available

2 July 2024, Tuesday

The service is focused on the support and structuring of investment projects of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of manufacturing, light industry, tourism, creative industries, information technology, etc. with the subsequent possibility of providing guarantees and sureties to JSC Corporation SME on loans for the implementation of such projects. 

To receive support, you need to register on the SME.RF Digital Platform and send an application with the application of the business plan and financial model of the project to the address or use the QR code.

Entrepreneurs will be able to receive recommendations and assistance in finalizing the business plan and/or financial model of the project, as well as in structuring a loan transaction, including within the framework of project financing.

Projects supported by the CPIC can also receive support from the SME Corporation in the form of independent loan guarantees in the amount of 50 million rubles, as well as a guarantee from the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of up to 70 million rubles.

SME entities implementing or planning to implement an investment project, which requires loan financing from 50 million rubles and plans their own participation in the amount of at least 10% of the project budget, can apply for support within the framework of the Investment Lending Support Center.


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