The acceptance of applications for the competition for the provision of grants from the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan for the development of civil society has started

20 May 2024, Monday

The purpose of the competition is to provide state support to socially oriented non–profit organizations involved in the development of civil society. The organizer of the competition is the autonomous non-profit organization Republican Resource Center for the Support of Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations.

Applications are accepted from May 20 to July 3, 2024 in 21 directions. Among them are social services, social support and protection of citizens; support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; preservation of historical memory; support for projects in the field of culture and art, and others.

In addition, non-profit organizations from other regions of the Russian Federation will be able to participate in the competition in the direction of the development of Tatar national culture and the preservation of traditions.

The winners will be determined by the Republican Competition Commission based on the results of the work of the expert community. The total amount of grants to be provided for the SONKO of Tatarstan will amount to more than 159 million rubles.

For more information about the conditions of participation and the procedure for conducting it, please follow the link  https://грантытатарстана.рф/contests/14

Regarding the preparation of an application for the competition, you can contact the inter-municipal resource centers of NGOs, which provide training, consulting and support for the activities of NGOs free of charge /

Methodological materials on social design, fundraising, and grantwriting are freely available on and

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