The delegation of Oman presented the economic potential of the Republic of Tatarstan

15 May 2024, Wednesday

Today, within the framework of KazanForum, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midhat Shagiakhmetov met with the delegation of Oman, headed by the Minister of Economy of Oman Said Bin Mohammed Al-Sagri. 

Welcoming the guests, Midhat Shagiakhmetov thanked for participating in the 15th International Economic Forum "Russia – the Islamic World: KazanForum". He noted that Tatarstan attaches great importance to the development of ties with Oman aimed at strengthening Russian-Omani relations.

The Minister presented the economic and investment potential of the republic to the guests, told about the priority areas of development, about the conditions created in the region for the successful work of investors, and large-scale projects implemented in the republic.

The parties discussed the development of cooperation in the field of economy and trade. It was noted that it is also important to cooperate in scientific, educational and cultural spheres. In addition, in the field of innovation and technology. 

He also noted that Tatarstan today is a pilot region for the implementation of the principles of partner (Islamic) financing in Russia. Active work is underway to develop the halal industry.

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