Applications for an acceleration program for SMEs from the tourism industry are open in Tatarstan

2 May 2024, Thursday

Small and medium-sized enterprises of Tatarstan in the tourism sector can participate in the "SME: The accelerator of the tourism industry" of the SME Corporation. Applications for it are open on the SME Digital Platform and will last until May 20.

The program is designed specifically for hotel and glamping owners, tour bureaus and cruise companies, online travel services and other businesses that help people travel comfortably. Participation in the accelerator is designed for 2.5 months. During this time, its participants will be able to build a business development strategy, receive mentoring from experienced expert practitioners and attract the attention of investors for further scaling.

Entrepreneurs will be able to feel the real effect of the introduction of new practices in real time at the height of the season.

Participants will receive master classes and trainings on topics such as marketing, finance, strategic planning and technological innovations. They can also count on help with product packaging, setting up business processes, operations, and sales channels.

"SMEs: The Tourism Industry Accelerator is also an opportunity to establish contacts with other companies in the tourism sector, partners, potential customers and investors.

Applications for participation are accepted on the SME.RF Digital Platform in the "Training" section. According to the terms of the accelerator, the company must work in the market for more than 1 year, have first sales and a team.


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