The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan held a meeting with representatives of JSC AKB Novikombank

4 April 2024, Thursday

Today, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan – Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development Natalia Kondratova met with Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC AKB Novikombank Alexey Kuznetsov. The parties discussed the mechanisms for the implementation of joint projects of the Republic of Tatarstan and Novikombank.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, Alexey Kuznetsov said that the bilateral partnership of JSC AKB Novikombank and Tatarstan allows us to solve the most important tasks for the development of the republic, to support Tatarstan industry, small and medium-sized businesses. 

Issues of further expansion of cooperation with budgetary and system-forming enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan were also discussed at the meeting.

"As an institution responsible for small and medium-sized businesses, we are happy for our cooperation to develop, because in the current conditions, financial support is in great demand among businesses and has a positive effect on improving the investment climate," noted Natalia Kondratova.

JSC JSCB Novikombank is a Russian bank of the Rostekh state Corporation specializing in financing enterprises in high–tech sectors of the economy, mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and the oil and gas industry.

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